Tuesday, April 28, 2020

May and beyond

The weather is mostly wonderful, with new green growth in the park, and a long break is coming up...but unfortunately, the news isn't wonderful, yet.  
A new month is about to start, the month we finally wanted to open Kaffeehaus, but with no directive about an extension of the state of emergency or its lifting, I'm afraid we will have to stay closed until the government announces an easing of restrictions.
It has been a whole month since I postponed our opening date from April 12 to May 5, saying I would be hoping for positive developments in the meantime. 

Now, I would rather not name a new date for the opening of Kaffeehaus but rather say that we'll open as soon as the restrictions are lifted and it appears safe again for everyone to visit a coffee shop.
As written in my last mail, after the opening, Book Ideas and Crafting Circle will both become a part of Kaffeehaus. We will continue to function as a lending library while expanding our services to become a cafe serving coffee and sweet treats to our browsing customers.
If you would like to drop off materials before we open, please leave them inside the cloth bag hanging by the entrance or feel free to give them to me personally if I happen to be in the cafe!

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