Friday, January 27, 2017

"Many Voices": A bilingual read-aloud session on Sunday, February 12, 2017

Many Voices 
A bilingual read-aloud session 
in English and Japanese at 3pm

Reading aloud is a pleasure 
for children and adults alike! 

Birgit will read the Shel Silverstein classic, "The Giving Tree" and Akiko Hishiyama will read two different Japanese translations of the same book. 

They will also read a Japanese version and an English translation of “Issunboshi”.

If you are interested in practicing your English or Japanese comprehension, or in comparing how the same story and its message are conveyed in different languages and translations, please join us for this special event.

Upcoming Events & Openings: February 2017

Events & Openings

Sunday, February 5, 10am-5pm

Sunday, February 12, 10am-5pm 
Many Voices 
A bilingual read-aloud session 
in English and Japanese at 3pm 

Sunday, February 19, 10am-5pm
Sunday, February 26, 10am-5pm

Wednesday Crafting Circle

February 1, February 8, February 15 

Note: Crafting Circle will NOT meet 
on Wednesday, February 22

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Updated Book List

After adding almost 200 new titles, there are now 2,907 books and other media in our library! We have also added a new category: "Graded Readers". 

Please click on the link called "Complete Book List (updated January 1, 2017)" under the "Important Pages" tab on the right-hand side of the screen to browse the collection. The list is organized alphabetically by author and by category. We will be updating the list regularly.

Upcoming Events & Openings: January 2017

Events & Openings

Saturday, January 7, 10am-5pm 
Living in Berlin 
A talk by Mine Serizawa at 3pm 

Image by Martin Schwartz

Sunday, January 15, 10am-5pm 
Sunday, January 22, 10am-5pm 
Sunday, January 29, 10am-5pm 

Wednesday Crafting Circle

January 11, January 18, January 25 